Monday August 20th thru Saturday August 25th, 2018


If you are in town and going to play golf, why not sign up!



  • Maximum 6 Rounds (one per day)
  • Sign up closes on Tuesday, August 14th @ 4:00PM
  • Declare to your playing partners before you begin the round that it will be a tournament round that will count towards the Eclectic Score. 
  • For a round to count towards your eclectic score, you must complete at least 14 of 18 holes of the round.  In other words, maximum of 4 "X outs" per round.
  • You may only play 1 tournament round per day
  • Tournament cards will be available to all who sign up.  There will be one card for each day.  These will be at the Starters Shack.  Only official tournament cards will be accepted.
  • Sign your card and have your player partner initial the card once the round is completed and return to tournament card box.
  • We will be using the USGA TM software this tournament.  Please enter your scores online for each day you play. You can track your progress via the app.




An eclectic, or ringers tournament, is a multi-round golf tournament that results in one 18-hole score per player.


Eclectics work this way: Participants play X number of rounds, and compare their scores on each hole per round. The lowest score made on each hole is recorded, producing an 18-hole score. Example: There are three rounds; in Round 1, the golfer makes a 6 on hole No. 1; in Round 2, a 7 on hole No. 1; in Round 3, a 4 on hole No. 1. That golfer's score for the first hole is a 4.


The lowest of each round's scores per hole are recorded on one scorecard and turned in as the final score.


An Eclectic can be a stand-alone event contested over consecutive days, or it can be a tournament that runs concurrently, over longer time periods, with other, unrelated tournaments.


 Handicaps:   10% of Course Handicap



It will depend on the number participants, but we will have prizes for at least 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall.




The decisions of the Tournament Committee on all matters of competition play shall be final.