RHGC Clubhouse

As a follow-up to Ed’s update on the clubhouse in his recent State of the Union message,  the RHGC clubhouse is a Community Services facility that will be run by Concessions and operated by Arabian Food Supply (AFS). We have been working with them to reopen the facility, and we are happy to announce that it is scheduled for a soft opening on Friday, September 4. What this means is that AFS will start with offering members limited items such as drinks, ice, snacks, granola bars, in addition to prepackaged sandwiches and fruit. Additional daily and week night food items will be added the following weekend once the menu is finalized, so stay tuned. At this point, the facility is considered members-only.

Entry into the clubhouse will be limited to the front door facing the parking lot, and exit will be through the rear sliding door to the back patio. We will be following the same protocol as the other facilities in Saudi Aramco. Masks covering the nose and mouth are required. Upon entering, members will be greeted by clubhouse staff for a temperature check and asked to provide name, badge number, and mobile number when signing in. Members will also be required to answer the three basic questions recommended by JHAH below before being allowed access to the facility. Anyone answering yes to any of these questions will be asked to kindly depart the facility.

  • Have you or any of your family members been diagnosed as COVID Positive in the last 14 days?
  • Have you been in contact with anyone who has been COVID Positive in the last 14 days?
  • Do you have any of the following symptoms?
    • Headache
    • Fever
    • Runny Nose
    • Diarrhea
    • Sore Throat
    • Shortness of Breath

***Anyone who starts exhibiting COVID symptoms after leaving the facility should immediately contact the Self Directed Group Advisor at  013-872-4991 so that they can initiate the process of reviewing the check in sheet for potential exposure to others.  RHGC Board members should also be made aware by contacting any board member or sending an e-mail to rhgcboard@gmail.com.


Maximum capacity for the clubhouse at any given time will be limited to 40 people. Once inside, members will find that tables and chairs have been rearranged to ensure social distancing measures, and decals have been placed on the floor to help remind members of spacing while waiting to be served at the snack bar. Purchases will be made using a MADA machine as cash will not be allowed.

Clubhouse hours will return to pre-COVID timing:

Sunday:                             16:00 – 21:00

Monday – Thursday:       07:00 – 11:30 and 16:00 – 21:00

Friday – Saturday:           06:00 – 21:00

Adhering to the COVID guidelines is a must in keeping the facility open as we return to the “new normal”, so we are counting on everyone’s support in looking out for each other in order to stay safe and healthy.