2018 January Monthly Medal

Date: January 27th, 2018
i. Shotgun Starts @ 0700 Hrs. and 1200 Hrs.
ii. Parings By Committee
iii. Scoring System is Medal Play
iv. Sign up by going to http://web.foretees.com/rollinghillsgc/, sign in, and go to the EVENTS tab.
v. Sign up closes on Wednesday, January 24th @ 4:00PM.
vi. Sign your card and have your player partner initial the card once the round is completed and return to tournament card box.
Men's "A" Flight HC 0 - 9 White Tees
Men's "B" Flight HC 10 -18 White Tees
Men's "C" Flight HC 19-27 White Tees
Men's "D" Flight HC 28-36 White Tees
Ladies Flight HC 0 - 40 Red Tees
i. Overall Low Gross – the lowest overall gross score. Ties breakers will be based on USGA Gross countback rules.
ii. Overall Low Net – the lowest overall net score. Ties breakers will be based on USGA Net countback rules.

Low Net for each Flight - 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th

The number of PRIZES for Low Net will be determined based on total participation by flight. This will be published by the Tournament Director as part of the tournament results.

10 or less       Low Net 1st Place

11 – 20 Low Net 1st and 2nd Place

21 – 31 Low Net 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place

32 or More Low Net 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Place