RHGC Appointed Board Directors & Volunteers













 RHGC Appointed Board Directors & Volunteers





As we head into 2019, we are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping out and becoming a Board member in 2019, there are several yearly appointed Board positions:
  • Membership Director
  • Youth Golf Director
  • Pro Shop Director
  • Grounds and Rules Director
  • Clubhouse Director
  • Ladies Golf Director
  • Social Director
  • Media Director
Appointed Board members will be selected in January by the RHGC Executive Board.

Additionally, please consider volunteering as a committee member. Many of the roles above are run by committee and need your help (no experience necessary).

If you are interested, please submit your name to the RHGC Secretary Stephen Vezendy ( stephen.vezendyjr@aramco.com ) and indicate your interest for a specific position or as a general volunteer.

To be considered for one of the above Director positions, one must be a Saudi Aramco employee or a Spouse of a Saudi Aramco employee. Additionally, Directors must work in Dhahran or have a mailbox located in Dhahran. Also, Directors cannot serve on two self-directed groups at the same time.

Stephen Vezendy
Rolling Hills Golf Club
Website: http://www.arabiangolf.net