2020 AGM

Please be reminded that the RHGC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held via Zoom (meeting application) starting at 5pm on December 6th, 2020.  All primary members of the club in good standing (RHGC dues are current) may vote during the AGM.  Please note the attached Proposed 2021 RHGC Budget.  The RHGC Board seeks to have the budget approved at the AGM. 

Winners of the 2020 Board Election for the 2021 – 2022 term, will also be announced at the AGM.

Should you have any question concerning the budget ahead of the AGM, please contact Jeff Meisner, RHGC Treasurer at RHGCTreasurer@gmail.com.

For any questions concerning the AGM or general questions, please contact JP Scallon at RHGCBoard@gmail.com