ADT Notices and Announcements

As the Asian Development Tour (ADT) event approaches, our commitment to our members is to share information as we receive it from the ADT Organizing Committee.

We appreciate your patience as many things are coming together in a very short timeframe. This ADT event is the first of its kind and we are striving to do our part to support our members, the larger golfing community, and the Company, as we promote the game of golf in Saudi Arabia.

Please make note of the following event-related notices:


  • REMOVAL OF LOCKER ITEMS: Members are requested to remove all personal items from the lockers and return all locker keys in your possession no later than December 3. After that date, all lockers will be cleared and remaining items will be removed and disposed of by janitorial staff. RHGC will not be responsible for the loss of any personal items. Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.
  • COURSE CLOSURES: Due to preparation for the upcoming Asian Development Tour (ADT) pro tournament in December, the Rolling Hills Golf Club will be closed based on the below schedule:
ADT Closure


  • ADT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Saudi Aramco and SAGA are reaching out to everyone among our golf community to support this inaugural international tournament. Any interested volunteers should register through the following website: 2022 Asian Development Tour Event Volunteer Registration

    There are many volunteers’ positions required and available as listed below. These times are approximate, with the intent of 5-hour shifts. For any questions or more details on the roles, please contact JEFF.MEISNER@ARAMCO.COM

Vols schedule


  • GOLF CART REMOVAL: All members who have a golf cart parked at RHGC by the ATM in the upper parking lot are required to remove it from this area by December 4. Carts may be returned to this area on December 18, after the ADT tournament has completed. Any golf cart still parked in this area on December 6 will be removed by Industrial Security.

  • TEMPORARY LOCAL RULE: BUNKERS: Please be advised that due to the requirements to carry out maintenance work on all bunkers for the upcoming Asian Development Tour (ADT) event, the following temporary local rule will be in immediate effect starting November 27. All bunkers including the bunker faces and edges throughout the course are to be considered ‘NO PLAY ZONES’, therefore, similar to local rule for the tree plantation areas, all bunkers are to be treated as an abnormal course conditionFree relief must be taken if a ball comes to rest in a no play zone or the no play zone interferes with a player's intended stance. The nearest point of complete relief should be identified and a ball must be dropped in the relief area outside the no play zone. The relief area is one-club length from the nearest point of relief, not nearer to the hole. Players are not permitted to play in these no play zones (meaning all bunkers, bunker faces, and edges throughout the course).

  • SCORES FOR HANDICAP PURPOSES: Please note that with immediate effect (Nov 27), and until the course returns to normal playing conditions after the ADT, no scores should be entered for handicap purposes